This was the invitation one recent evening while at a lakeside cottage. A quarter after five in the morning is early. Yet, I set my alarm to have enough time to make a coffee, grab my bible, settle in, and watch the sunrise. And what a glorious sunrise it was. The reds and oranges. The […]

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My son is getting taller by the month. As a teenager, he hopes for some serious height…something like six foot four. He realizes he must duck through too many door frames if there are more inches. And that’s not handy. Right? His height is yet to be seen, but there IS something eye-catching about height […]

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Lions roar. It’s part of their nature. When a lion roars, he displays his strength and rule. The roar puts prey and other lions on notice. It echoes over its territory or kingdom. It is a creature you would not care to face on your own. The lion is also a beautiful and Biblical image […]

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Freezing rain. Somewhere between winter weather and spring weather. It’s raining, but it isn’t. It comes down like rain, and it settles on becoming ice along the way. It’s thorough in its icy blast and sheeting. Depending on your perspective, beauty can be found in that tangle of ice, branches, and dead grass. However, if the […]

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Cane held firmly in his hand, Dad leans back into the simple wood chair, settling in for a visit. My in-laws include the visit on their scenic drive. Each time, Dad pauses on his careful walk up our walkway to slowly take in the open space and trees around our bungalow. Then he enters and […]

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The Rabbi’s Touch is being celebrated! Beginning June 9, The Rabbi’s Touch, my new book, was on a bloggers tour with Celebrate Lit, “a ministry whose goal is to bring great Christian Authors’ work into the hands of readers”. For 16 days the book has been making stops with a variety of bloggers who will […]

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The following has been written for a book blog tour with Celebrate Lit. From June 9-22 The Rabbi’s Touch will make stops with fourteen different book-reviewers. Further details will be coming. I counted my journals, wondering. A drawer filled with thirty-three journals. The years of words held in those pages cover countless seasons of living […]

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She is the tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed. Proverbs 3:18 Hike the Ontario forests, and it won’t be long to find yourself among the tall and majestic. Hiking a trail on a Fall Saturday afternoon brought me near a noticeably tall maple […]

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My last post reflected on God’s silence. There has been silence in my writing for a season. However, even when words haven’t come easily my heart, mind and soul have not been silent. Changes brings questions, which brings prayers and a need for His word. And…memorizing scripture. Admittedly, hiding His word in my heart seems […]

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Carefully pulling the bulb out of the soil, I watched dirt crumble off and into the hole left behind. Did I follow the instructions correctly, I wondered? They weren’t very clear instructions… weeks have gone by and nothing is happening. The bulb sits there, peeking out of the soil, unchanging. The lack of movement is […]

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